Medical devices directory and suppliers

Medical devices directory and suppliers Terumo Medical, Manufacturer, United States. In the world of medical devices and supplies

1. Tactile Sytems Technology, Inc. Manufacturer United States
Tactile Systems Technology, Inc. was founded in 1995 to develop and market a medical device for the effective treatment of lymphedema and venous insufficiencies.
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2. Talia Technology Ltd. Manufacturer Israel
Talia Technology, founded in 1991, develops and markets retinal imaging and diagnostic equipment for screening, diagnosis and follow-up of the most common retinal diseases and pathologies.
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3. Tapuz Medical Technology Ltd. Manufacturer Israel
Tapuz Medical Technology (T.M.T. 2004) Ltd. aims to develop, produce and market health care providers with reliable, accurate and cost-effective: E.C.G. products, medical information management systems, as well as stand-alone devices.
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4. Tepha, Inc Manufacturer United States
Tepha, Inc. applies advances in biotechnology and materials science to develop innovative medical devices, which can be used in procedures for surgical repair and regenerative medicine.
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5. Terumo Manufacturer Japan
Terumo has dedicated itself to contributing to society through medicine. Our innovations have included the world' s first hollow fiber oxygenators as well as Japan' s first disposable medical products.
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6. Terumo Medical Manufacturer United States
In the world of medical devices and supplies, the cornerstones of excellence are dependability, predictability and consistency. At Terumo Medical Corporation, these three qualities have guided us to success as a manufacturer and marketer.
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7. Terumo Penpol Manufacturer India
The new joint venture between Terumo Corporation of Japan and Peninsula Polymers Limited (Penpol) of India. It promises an era of international quality standards, and competitive prices, in the field of health care for Indian consumers.
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8. TGA Sciences, Inc. Service United States
TGA Sciences, Inc. is a contract research laboratory providing the Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Research communities a comprehensive range of laboratory services in support of research and clinical studies.
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9. Thaimed Service Thailand
The Thai Medical Device Suppliers Association (THAIMED) gathers 64 local and international companies with a major interest in the distribution of medical devices in Thailand.
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10. Thuris Corporation Manufacturer United States
Thuris is focused on medical device solutions to aide in drug development and diagnosis of Central Nervous System (CNS) disorders. The Company is also developing pharmaceuticals for select CNS Orphan and niche indications
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